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Triumph of Success: Dr. Henry

We are pleased to announce that in 2022, the founder of Grace Community Services, Dr. Henry K. Pillai, has been listed as one of the outstanding personalities on Britishpedia’s Successful People in Malaysia.

The biographical encyclopaedia by British Publishing House Ltd, which will be available in the National Library of Malaysia and Singapore, recognises accomplished Malaysians who have contributed towards nation-building and the society.

Dr. Henry Pillai was selected for his tremendous achievements over the past 50 years to help the marginalised in the country.

Under his leadership, Grace Community Services has been serving the needs of the less fortunate through Rumah KIDS, Birthright, Grace Centre, Grace Home, a food and clothing bank, feeding programme, counseling and clinic for the poor and have impacted many lives over these years.

Through the success stories of these esteemed individuals, British Publishing House hopes to make a difference by inspiring the lives of the next generation.

Our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Henry and such a well-deserved honour!

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