Tax Exemption FAQ

  • Is my donation tax exempted?

    Grace Community Services (GCS) is a tax exempt non-profit organization under sub-section 44(6) of Income Tax Act 1967. We have been granted tax exemption status effective July 15, 2007. Do note that this is only applicable to donors or donor entities that file taxes with “Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)”, the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.

  • Is there a minimum amount of donation required for me to be eligible for tax-exemption?

    No. There is no minimum amount of donation required to be eligible for tax exemption. However, for aggregate donations of RM20,000 and above made in a year, we are required to declare it to “Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)”.

    Individual donors/Corporate organisations are required to email and provide complete information of the following details below in order to obtain an official tax exemption receipt from the organisation.

    Please note that all monetary donations received are non-refundable and are eligible for Tax Exemption

  • What information do you need from me if I want to get a tax-exempt receipt for donation?

    Donors must provide complete information of the following details in order to obtain an official tax-exemption receipt from the organization:

    • Full Name (as per NRIC)/Company Name (as per
    • NRIC No/Business Registration No.
    • Complete mailing address
    • Contact person
    • Contact No

    According to the guidelines for Approval of Director General of Inland Revenue under sub-section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967, we are unable to issue tax exemption receipts to donors who do not provide the required information.

    All details given in the form will be kept confidential by Grace Community Services. We are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia (“PDPA”). This is to ensure that your data will not be used for purposes other than that which is necessary to run our social work programmes.

  • When will I receive my Tax Exemption Receipt?

    Physical Tax Exemption Receipt will be sent out via normal mail once every 6 months. If your donation is RM10 and below, you may request to self-collect the physical Tax Exemption Receipt from our headquarters at a scheduled time. Thank you for your kind understanding.